Innovation corner

There is always one more shot to solve the unsolved problem. Tinkering around, entering the unknown and starting over again is our approach to push the boundaries and create next level innovations. Stay tuned for PreonLab updates, new researches, groundbreaking innovation and upcoming events.

December 21, 2023
Jens Cornelis, Andreas Henne and Loïc Wendling
Preoneers rely on the fact that with every new release, PreonLab aims to enhance your simulation experience by increasing efficiency and reducing the memory footprint for simulations. We firmly hold this at the core of our vision towards developing the ultimate simulation tool. We are glad to announce that version 6.1 takes a great leap towards realizing this goal as it extends GPU support for many PreonLab features and introduces multi-GPU capabilities.
May 31, 2023
Every Preoneer knows that with PreonLab we always strive to provide the most reliable, usable and efficient CFD software. But what if you could get your results even faster? PreonLab 6.0 will continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in the world of particle-based CFD. With the introduction of PreonLab being able to simulate on GPU hardware, there will be a performance boost that will provide you with results faster than ever before, following the principle: Make it Real… fast! And there is even more. Don‘t miss the latest updates and join us for this event, as we are already very excited to show you all that is new with PreonLab 6.0!
February 06, 2023
Michael Reichl
Wie gewährleisten Sie, dass es in Ihrem Fahrzeug zu keinen Schädigungen durch Wasserkorrosion oder Eindringen von Wasser oder Schnee in ungewünschte Bereiche kommt? Durch aufwendige und späte physische Tests oder simulieren Sie schon? Lernen Sie den Marktführer im Bereich SPH-Simulation PreonLab kennen! PreonLab bietet eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung, um bereits während der Konstruktionsphase Ihre Bauteile zu bewerten und zu optimieren. Dabei können auf einfachste Weise komplexe Bauteile und Bewegungen simuliert und bewertet werden. Im Gegensatz zu klassischen, auf finiten Volumen basierten CFD-Methoden, ist die Diskretisierung des Berechnungsvolumens nicht erforderlich und auch die Aufbereitung von CAD-Daten ist nicht notwendig. Mit minimalem Aufwand und sehr kurzen Rechenzeiten von wenigen Tagen bis hin zu Stunden können Sie die Wasserpfade im Fahrzeug simulieren. PreonLab sichert somit Ihre Entwicklung ab und reduziert die Zeit bis zur Markteinführung erheblich. Michael Reichl, Senior Berechnungsingenieur und langjähriger PreonLab User, zeigt Ihnen in unserem kostenfreien Live-Webinar, reale Beispielanwendungen aus dem Bereich Wassermanagement und Schneeablagerung. Sie erhalten als Teilnehmer die Möglichkeit, mit einer Testlizenz die Usability der GUI und Performance des Solvers selbst zu testen und zu erleben. Melden Sie sich jetzt an und seien Sie mit dabei, wenn es heißt: „Virtual fluids. Real insights.“
January 18, 2023
Michael Reichl and Markus Ihmsen
Die Absicherung des Fahrzeugs und kritischer Komponenten gegenüber einem Wassereintritt gehört zu entscheidenden Versuchen in der Automobilentwicklung, ohne die keine Fahrzeugfreigabe erfolgt. Aus diesem Grund gehören die Wasserdurchfahrt und Fahrzeugberegnung zu den Standardtests in der Fahrzeugentwicklung. Diese dienen zum einen der Absicherung, dass kein Wasser in kritische Fahrzeugbereiche eindringt, wie z. B. in die Batterie, in elektrische Komponenten oder in die Lufteinlässe. Zum anderen dürfen die durch das Wasser verursachten Kräfte die Karosserie nicht beschädigen oder das Fahrzeug zum Aufschwimmen bringen. Immer mehr OEMs gehen daher den Weg, kostenintensive Prototypentests durch den virtuellen Versuch zu ersetzen, um frühzeitig Schwachstellen am Fahrzeug zu erkennen und zu optimieren. PreonLab unterstützt Sie in dieser frühen Entwicklungsphase, die richtigen Design-Entscheidungen zu treffen. Wasserdurchfahrten oder Fahrzeugbegegnungen lassen sich mit minimalem Aufwand und in kurzen Rechenzeiten von nur wenigen Tagen bis hin zu Stunden simulieren. PreonLab sichert somit Ihre Entwicklung ab und reduziert die Zeit zur Markteinführung erheblich.
July 01, 2022
Saba Golshaahi Sumesaraayi and Max Flamm
When it comes to complex production processes in the automotive industry like e-coating, using reliable CFD simulation tools to supplement expensive prototyping and physical testing has proven to be a very efficient method to optimize the design stage. This includes optimizing the various design parameters like tank dimensions, vehicle trajectory, line speed and geometrical details of the Body in White (BIW). For this purpose, CFD tools providing not only high accuracy, but also lean workflows and short computational times are required.
June 03, 2022
Jens Cornelis, Markus Ihmsen, Loïc Wendling and Aju Abraham
This is more than an arbitrary release! Join us to celebrate the release of PreonLab 5.2 and be the first to learn about the new features. Just click on the “Go to recording!” button below to watch the release event in full! PRESENTERS: Jens Cornelis, Markus Ihmsen, Loïc Wendling, Aju Abraham LANGUAGE: English
April 20, 2022
Jens Cornelis and Markus Ihmsen
Preoneers all over the globe know, that there is no such thing as an ordinary PreonLab release. But this time, we have something very special for you. Not only because the FIFTY2 engineers are numberphiles and version 5.2 is special for us for obvious reasons. But also because PreonLab 5.2 will push things to the limit, starting with Continuous Particle Size giving more degrees of freedom and a significantly improved workflow. But there is even more. Don‘t miss the news and join us for this event!
March 30, 2022
Jan Viher
Water management is an important aspect of vehicle design. It includes everything from soiling and wading to splashing and the impact this has on the vehicle’s aerodynamics. Even the vehicle’s windshield wipers are part of it, as is the investigation of possible water infiltration. The effects include not only dirty windshields and vehicle bodies, but also contamination of ADAS/AD sensors and even deformation of the vehicle’s exterior surface. So it represents not only an aesthetic issue, but also a safety risk.
February 15, 2022
Dr. Alexander Oliva and Shreyas Joshi
The simulation of a gearbox represents one of the most challenging topics in conventional CFD, since the complex geometries, the free surface of the oil and the dynamics of the system can only be solved with the very highest effort. For electric axle systems in particular, a robust oiling concept is a very important milestone in development due to the high number of revolutions, which is usually only validated on the test bench at a fairly late stage.
November 08, 2021
We are excited to announce the release of PreonLab 5.1. It is packed with features that improve reliability, performance and usability across a wide range of applications. Here are some of the highlights: Snow Solver: The Snow Solver is now up to five times faster when simulating big chunks of snow. Thermodynamics & Boundary Conditions: Improve your simulation results with an enhanced set of boundary conditions that allow for more detailed scene initialization or updates in a co-simulation environment, especially in thermodynamics simulations. Multiphase Simulation: The Preon Solver has been optimized for low- and high-density contrast multiphase simulations. Adaptive Resolution: Better integration with other features opens up adaptive resolution for more applications. Not convinced? There is also a 20% performance boost. Adjustable Units: Meter or millimeter? Seconds or hours? Choose whatever fits best for your current application. This is just a selection of new features and improvements. Check out the changelog to learn about all changes. And enjoy our PreonLab 5.1 Release Event to learn more about what‘s going on in the PreonLab ecosystem.   Make sure to follow us on LinkedIn so that you don’t miss new videos, case studies and updates!