
PreonPy API 6.1


The following example shows how to create a new scene. Here we create some objects, set keyframes and save the scene.

import preonpy

s = preonpy.Scene()

s.create_object("Preon Solver")
source = s.create_object("Area source")
box = s.create_object("Box")

position_keyframes = [(0, 0, "Linear"), (1, -1, "Linear"), (2, 0, "Linear"), (3, 2.5, "Linear")]
source.set_keyframes("position x", position_keyframes)
box.set_keyframes("position x", position_keyframes)


We can also manipulate existing scenes. The next example opens the previous scene again, changes some properties, like the particle size and runs a simulation.

s = preonpy.Scene("~/moving_box.prscene")

solver = s.find_object("PreonSolver_1")
solver["particle size"] = 0.1

s.simulate(0, 30)


The scene class

class Scene(scene_path=None, load_only_object_creations=False, close_existing=None, *, do_not_load_resources=False)

Bases: preonpy.objects.Object

Opening new or existing scenes is done by creating Scene objects. Operations on an invalid scene or its objects result in an exception of type preonpy.exceptions.ObjectInvalid. Whether a scene (or object) is valid or not can be determined by the is_valid() method.

Note: This function is not available from the PreonLab Console (read more).

  • scene_path (Union[str, PathLike, None]) – If passed, an existing scene is loaded from the specified path. If omitted, a new scene is created.

  • load_only_object_creations (bool) –

    If load_only_object_creations is passed in addition to scene_path, only the basic structure of the scene will be loaded without any properties, keyframes or connections. Additionally, the statistics, properties and keyframes of the scene are loaded but not for other objects.

    Deprecated since version 6.1: This option is deprecated and will be removed in PreonLab 7.0.

  • close_existing (Optional[bool]) – If close_existing is set to True, all currently existing scenes are closed. If it is set to False, other scenes will be kept open. The default behavior depends on preonpy.multiple_scenes.

  • do_not_load_resources (bool) – If do_not_load_resources is passed in addition to scene_path, objects in the scene will not load data-heavy resources, e.g., geometries, air flows, pathlines etc.


SceneLoadFailed – If the scene could not be loaded.

Deprecated since version 6.1: From version 7.0 on, all arguments except scene_path have to be passed as keyword argument.

Usage example:

>>> scene = preonpy.Scene()
>>> other_box = preonpy.Scene("/share/example.prscene", close_existing=False).find_object("SpecialBox_1")
>>> box = scene.create_object("Box", other_box.name)
>>> box["p"] = other_box.get_property("position")
>>> scene.save("/share/example_2.prscene")

Closes this scene.

Note: This function is not available from the PreonLab Console (read more).


Retrieves the collider from scene.

Return type



The collider object of scene.

create_object(typename, name=None)

Creates a new object of the given type.

  • typename (str) – The type is specified as a string. You can find the list of supported type names by opening PreonLab and inspecting the Add menu. The type names in preonpy always match the names found in this menu (for instance “Preon Solver” or “Cuboid”).

  • name (Optional[str]) – The object name is an optional parameter. If no name is given, a name is generated.

Return type

Union[Object, Scene, FloatFieldObject, SensorObject, Rigid, CarSuspensionModel, VehicleSimulationModel, Camera, PreonRenderer, PointCloudResource, StatisticResource, SolverObject, LiquidSolver, VectorFieldObject, Group, SensorPlane, Pathlines]


The created object.


ObjectCreateError – If object could not be created.


Removes all previously generated data before the specified point in time. This includes data that is currently loaded into memory as well as files that store frame specific information. Note, that files containing data, valid for the entire simulation range (e.g. statistic files) are not touched. They can only be deleted as a whole using reset_simulationdata().


crop_time (Union[str, Frame, Second, Quantity]) – All data before this point in time will be deleted. Can be either a time string, a Frame, a Second or a Quantity representing time.


Removes all previously generated data after the specified point in time. See crop_left() for more information.


crop_time (Union[str, Frame, Second, Quantity]) – All data after this point in time will be deleted. Can be either a time string, a Frame or a Second or a Quantity representing time.


Deletes the given object.


object (Object) – Object to be deleted.

  • ObjectInvalid – If the given object or the scene is invalid.

  • ObjectDeleteError – If the object could not be deleted (e.g. because it is a static object).

property elapsed_time

Returns the current elapsed time of the simulation.

Return type



Retrieves an object with the given name or None if the object could not be found.


name (str) – The object name.

Return type

Union[Object, Scene, FloatFieldObject, SensorObject, Rigid, CarSuspensionModel, VehicleSimulationModel, Camera, PreonRenderer, PointCloudResource, StatisticResource, SolverObject, LiquidSolver, VectorFieldObject, Group, SensorPlane, Pathlines, None]


The object or None if no object with the given name could be found.


Returns all files from this scene. This includes the files located inside and outside the scene directory. Relative paths are relative to the scene directory. Note, that only existing files are returned.


categories (Union[None, str, List[str]]) – If passed, only files matching the given categories are returned. Can be either one category or a list of categories. Valid values are documented here: DataCategory. If omitted, all existing files are returned.

Return type



A list with all existing files matching the given categories.

Usage example:

>>> print("Input files")
>>> for f in scene.get_files(DataCategory.RESOURCE):
>>>     print(f)
>>> print("Output files")
>>> for f in scene.get_files([DataCategory.SIMULATION_DATA, DataCategory.RESULTS, DataCategory.STATISTICS]):
>>>     print(f)

Returns the files needed to start a simulation. This includes the files located inside and outside of the scene directory. Relative paths are relative to the scene directory. Note, that only existing files are returned.

Return type



A list with all resource files.

import_mesh(path, separate_resource, single_mesh, units='mm', *, convert_to_prmesh=False, path_for_generated_prmesh='', compress_prmesh=False, linear_deflection=Quantity(0.15, mm), angular_deflection=Quantity(0.5, rad))

Import mesh. Not both of separate_resource and single_mesh can be False. For STEP files, you can provide two parameters to guide the tessellation linear_deflection and angular_deflection.

Note: The parameters angular_deflection, linear_deflection, compress_prmesh, path_for_generated_prmesh and convert_to_prmesh can only be passed as keyword arguments.

Usage example:

>>> resource_obj, mesh_obj = scene.import_mesh("car.stp", True, True, linear_deflection=0.3)
  • path (Union[str, PathLike]) – Path of the file

  • separate_resource (bool) – If True, a separate resource object is created.

  • single_mesh (bool) – If True, only one rigid object is created, even if the mesh file contains submeshes.

  • units (str) – One of “mm”, “cm”, “m” or “km”. The unit will be set in the resource object if separate_resource is True or else as scale factor in the mesh object.

  • convert_to_prmesh (bool) – If True, the imported mesh will be converted to a ‘prmesh’. This option will be applied to supported mesh formats excluding ‘prmesh’. You are required to provide a path_for_generated_prmesh, where to place the generated file.

  • path_for_generated_prmesh (str) – The absolute path where the generated ‘prmesh’ file will be placed. The user needs to have write-access to the provided folder. This option is only required in conjunction with convert_to_prmesh=True.

  • compress_prmesh (bool) – If True, the converted ‘prmesh’ file will be compressed. This will decrease the file size, but will increase subsequent file imports due to decompression.

  • linear_deflection (Union[float, Quantity]) – The linear deflection parameter is used for importing STEP files. It specifies the distance between a curve and its tessellation. The parameter is known as Chordal distance. The provided value should be in “mm” or in a compatible length Quantity.

  • angular_deflection (Union[float, Quantity]) – The angular deflection is used for importing STEP files. It specifies the angle between subsequent segments in a polyline. The provided value should be in “rad” or in a compatible angle Quantity.


A list of all created objects. If separate_resource is True, the resource object will be the first object in the list.


InvalidFileFormat – If the mesh import has failed.


Returns if the scene is self-contained, i.e., all resource files reside withing the scene directory and copying this directory is sufficient to start a simulation. A portable scene can be copied to another machine and will still work.

Return type



True if there are no resource files specified outside the scene directory.


Returns True if the object is valid.

Return type



Loads the given simulation frame.

Return type



Loads initial resources of an object (e.g., geometries, pathlines, air flow data). This allows to load this data if this scene was opened before without loading the resources.

property object_names

A list of all object names in the scene.

Return type


property path

Path of the scene file.

Return type


post_process(start=None, stop=None, whitelist=None)

Runs post-processing on an existing simulation from the given start to the given end. If no start and/or stop are given, the postprocess will run in the range defined in the scene.

  • start (Union[int, str, Frame, Second, Quantity, None]) – Postprocess start. Can be either an integer representing the frame number, a time string, a Frame, a Second, a Quantity representing time or None. If it is None, the scene property “playback/postprocess start” will be used.

  • stop (Union[int, str, Frame, Second, Quantity, None]) – Postprocess end. Can be either an integer representing the frame number, a time string, a Frame, a Second, a Quantity representing time or None. If it is None, the scene property “playback/postprocess end” will be used.

  • whitelist (Union[Object, List[Object], None]) – Allows to define a whitelist of objects that should be postprocessed while other objects are skipped. If empty or None, all objects will be postprocessed.

Usage example:

>>> scene.post_process(0, 100)  # using view frame rate
>>> scene.post_process("0s", "200ms")
>>> scene.post_process(preonpy.Frame(0, view=False), preonpy.Frame(100, view=False))  # using simulation frame rate
>>> scene.post_process(preonpy.Second(0), preonpy.Second(1.5))  # using seconds
>>> scene.post_process("0s", "1s", [scene.find_object("WettingSensor_1")])

Removes all previously generated simulation data and sets the current time to zero. This includes data in memory as well as data files written to disk.

Note: This function is not available from the PreonLab Console (read more).

save(scene_path=None, as_portable=False, compression=None, subsample=1, force_overwrite=False)

Saves the scene.

Note: This function is not available from the PreonLab Console (read more).

  • scene_path (Union[str, PathLike, None]) – If scene_path is given, the scene will be saved to the given location. Otherwise, the loaded scene file will be overwritten.

  • as_portable (bool) – If as_portable is True, dependent resources will be copied into the scene directory if necessary, so that it is simple to transfer the scene and all resources to another place.

  • compression (Optional[float]) – Compression of fluid data can be enabled by setting compression to a non-zero allowed compression error which is a percentage of the used fluid particle size.

  • subsample (int) – Setting subsample to an integer value greater than 1 reduces the number of written frames. For instance, pass 2 in order to halve the frame rate, discarding every second frame.

  • force_overwrite (bool) – Overwrites possibly existing scenes at the scene_path location. This parameter is ignored if scene_path=None.

  • ValueError – If the scene_path was not valid.

  • SceneSaveFailed – If the scene could not be saved.

simulate(start=None, stop=None)

Runs the simulation from the given start to the given end. If no start and/or stop is given, the simulation will use the “simulation start” and “simulation end” scene properties.

  • start (Union[int, str, Frame, Second, Quantity, None]) – Simulation start. Can be either an integer representing the frame number, a time string, a Frame, a Second, a Quantity representing time or None. If it is None, the scene property “simulation start” will be used.

  • stop (Union[int, str, Frame, Second, Quantity, None]) – Simulation end. Can be either an integer representing the frame number, a time string, a Frame, a Second, a Quantity representing time or None. If it is None, the scene property “simulation end” will be used.

Usage example:

>>> scene.simulate(0, 100)  # using simulation frame rate
>>> scene.simulate("0s", "200ms")
>>> scene.simulate(preonpy.Frame(0, view=True), preonpy.Frame(100, view=True))  # using view frame rate
>>> scene.simulate(preonpy.Second(0), preonpy.Second(1.5))  # using seconds

Used to run single simulation steps, which may be less than a frame. This method returns a context manager in the first place. The context then is a function that can be used to advance the simulation by one step.

Usage example:

>>> with current_scene.simulate_step() as step:
>>>     for _ in range(100):
>>>         step()
property working_dir

Working directory of the scene.

Return type


The object class

class Object

Base class for all objects in the scene.

Object property access is performed using the [] operator. For instance, you can access the position of an object using object[“position”]. The available property names match the property names displayed in the property editor of PreonLab. You can also view a list of available properties by calling object.property_names.


Returns the value of the property with the given name.


property_name (str) – Name of the property, which should be returned.


PropertyNotFound – If the property name could not be found.

Usage example:

>>> property_value = object["property_name"]
__setitem__(property_name, new_value)

Sets the value of the property with the given name.

  • property_name (str) – Name of the property, which should be set.

  • new_value – Value to be set.


PropertyNotFound – If the property name could not be found.

Usage example:

>>> object["property_name"] = new_value

Apply a preset to this object. You can query the available presets for this object with the preset_names property.


preset_name (str) – The name of the preset.


LookupError – If the given preset_name is not available.


Access to the scene this object belongs to.

Return type



The scene this object belongs to. If this is called on the scene itself, the same scene is returned.

Usage example:

>>> print(box.associated_scene().path)
property category

Returns the category of the object as a string, like “Sensors” or “Sources”. For the scene object it returns “Scene”.

Usage example:

>>> # Print the name of all sensors in the scene
>>> for obj_name in scene.object_names:
>>>     obj = scene.find_object(obj_name)
>>>     if obj.category == "Sensors":
>>>         print(obj_name + " is a Sensor")
Return type


get_connected_objects(slot_name, outgoing, include_target_slot_name=False)

Retrieves a list of connected objects for the given slot.

  • slot_name (str) – The name of the connection slot. The name is the same that is displayed in the PreonLab connection editor, for instance “Transform”.

  • outgoing (bool) – Specifies whether outgoing or incoming connections should be returned.

  • include_target_slot_name (bool) – Specifies whether the name of the connected object (target) slot should be included per connected object as well.

Return type

List[Union[Object, Scene, FloatFieldObject, SensorObject, Rigid, CarSuspensionModel, VehicleSimulationModel, Camera, PreonRenderer, PointCloudResource, StatisticResource, SolverObject, LiquidSolver, VectorFieldObject, Group, SensorPlane, Pathlines, Tuple[Union[Object, Scene, FloatFieldObject, SensorObject, Rigid, CarSuspensionModel, VehicleSimulationModel, Camera, PreonRenderer, PointCloudResource, StatisticResource, SolverObject, LiquidSolver, VectorFieldObject, Group, SensorPlane, Pathlines], str]]]


List of objects. In case the include_target_slot_name property is set to True for each connected object a pair of the object and its slot name is returned.


ConnectionError – If an error occurs.

get_connection_slots(outgoing, include_target_slot_name=False)

Retrieves a list of slot names together with a list of connected objects for each respective slot.

  • outgoing (bool) – Specifies whether outgoing or incoming slots should be returned.

  • include_target_slot_name (bool) – Specifies whether the name of the connected object (target) slot should be included per connected object as well.

Return type

List[Tuple[str, List[Union[Object, Scene, FloatFieldObject, SensorObject, Rigid, CarSuspensionModel, VehicleSimulationModel, Camera, PreonRenderer, PointCloudResource, StatisticResource, SolverObject, LiquidSolver, VectorFieldObject, Group, SensorPlane, Pathlines, Tuple[Union[Object, Scene, FloatFieldObject, SensorObject, Rigid, CarSuspensionModel, VehicleSimulationModel, Camera, PreonRenderer, PointCloudResource, StatisticResource, SolverObject, LiquidSolver, VectorFieldObject, Group, SensorPlane, Pathlines], str]]]]]


List of pairs of slot name and a list of connected objects to that slot. In case the include_target_slot_name is set to True for each connected object a pair of the object and its slot name is returned.


ConnectionError – If an error occurs.


Retrieves the keyframes for the given sequence. Loop keyframes are not included in the returned list. Use get_loop_keyframes() instead.


sequence_name (str) – The name of the keyframe sequence, for instance “position x”.

Return type

List[Tuple[float, Any, str]]


A list of triples, in which the first triple value indicates the time, the second the value and the third the interpolation string type for the following segment.


KeyframeError – If an error occurs.


Retrieves the loop keyframes for the given sequence. The list includes invalid loop keyframes, too. Examples for invalid keyframes:

  • The loop keyframe overlaps with other loop keyframes.

  • Less keyframes are preceding the loop keyframe than is required by it.


sequence_name (str) – The name of the keyframe sequence, for instance “position x”.

Return type

List[Tuple[float, int, bool]]


A list of triples, in which the first value indicates the time, the second value the number of preceding keyframes that define the loop and the third value indicating whether it is valid.


KeyframeError – If an error occurs.


Returns the parent Group to which this object belongs, or None if it is not part of a group.

Return type



The Group to which this object belongs, or None if it is not part of a group.


Returns the value of the property with the given name. If the property has a unit, it will be returned as Quantity.

Usage example:

>>> particle_size_mm = solver.get_property("particle size").value_as("mm")

property_name – Name of the property that should be returned.


PropertyNotFound – If the property name could not be found.

Return type

Union[Quantity, str, int, float, Vec3, EulerAngles, SymmetricMatrix33, Color]


Returns the default value of the property with the given name. If the property has a unit, it will be returned as Quantity.

Usage example:

>>> different = solver.get_property_default("particle size").convert_baseunit() == solver.get_property("particle size").convert_baseunit()

property_name (str) – Name of the property that should be returned.


PropertyNotFound – If the property name could not be found.

Return type

Union[Quantity, str, int, float, Vec3, EulerAngles, SymmetricMatrix33, Color]


Returns valid enum values.


name (str) – Name of the property. Must be an enum property.

Return type



The possible values for the given property.


Returns the grouping in which the given property is organized in the PreonLab UI. Note: This grouping might change more often to archive a structuring, whereas the property name itself is tried to be kept fairly stable.


name (str) – Name of the property.

Return type



A list containing the grouping hierarchy for this property, starting with the top level group.


PropertyNotFound – If the property name could not be found.

Usage example:

>>> property_name = "some property name")
>>> print(" -> ".join([obj.category, obj.name] + obj.get_property_grouping(property_name) + [property_name]))
>>> # prints e.g. Solvers -> PreonSolver_1 -> Physics -> Some sub group -> some property name

Returns property description.


name (str) – Name of the property.

Return type



A short description of the given property.


PropertyNotFound – If the property name could not be found.


Returns the list of keyframe sequences for the provided property.


name (str) – Name of the property.

Return type



A list of keyframe sequences for the given property, or None in case the property does not support key framing.


Returns property type.


name (str) – Name of the property.

Return type



The type of the property with the given name.


PropertyNotFound – If the property name could not be found.


Retrieves the keyframes as a spline curve for the given sequence. Information on interpolation types of the curve segments is stripped away. Furthermore, loop keyframes are not included in the returned list. Use get_loop_keyframes() instead.


sequence_name (str) – The name of the keyframe sequence, for instance “position x”.

Return type

List[Tuple[float, Any]]


A list of tuples, in which the first value indicates the time and the second the value.


KeyframeError – If an error occurs.


Returns True if keyframes can be set for the property. Note that properties can be keyframed even though they are not writable. Example: track time-avg::heat flux in the Thermal sensor requires keyframes for a clear definition of the intervals.


name (str) – Name of the property.

Return type



True if keyframes can be set for the property , False if not.


PropertyNotFound – If the property name could not be found.


Returns if a property is writable or read-only.


name (str) – Name of the property.

Return type



True if the property is writable, False if not.


PropertyNotFound – If the property name could not be found.


Returns True if the object is valid.

Return type


property keyframe_sequence_names

Returns a list of keyframe sequences. Sequences can be accessed via the index operator.

Note that the list of keyframe sequence names depends on the current state of the object. It could grow or shrink depending on changes made to the object in subsequent calls.

Return type


property name

Returns the name of the object as a string, like “PreonSolver_1” or “Box_1”. For the scene object it returns “Scene”.

Usage example:

>>> # Print all transform connections of an object
>>> for out_connections in cuboid.get_connected_objects("Transform", True):
>>>     print(cuboid.name + " is connected to " + out_connections.name)
Return type


property preset_names

A list of the available presets for this object.

Return type



A list of strings where each one can be used in the apply_preset method.

property property_names

Returns a list of property names. Properties can be accessed via the index operator.

Note that the list of property names depends on the current state of the object. It could grow or shrink depending on changes made to the object in subsequent calls.

Return type



Reload statistics for this object from the filesystem. This can be used to get updated values if another instance also works with the current scene. It also can be used to load statistics for a specific object, if the scene was opened with the load_only_object_creations flag.

set_keyframes(sequence_name, keyframes)

Sets the keyframes for the given sequence name.

  • sequence_name (str) – The name of the keyframe sequence, for instance “position x”.

  • keyframes (List[Tuple[float, Any, str]]) – A list of triples, in which the first triple value indicates the time, the second the value and the third the interpolation string type for the following segment (pass “Linear” for linear interpolation or “Step” for step interpolation).


KeyframeError – If an error occurs.

set_loop_keyframes(sequence_name, loop_keyframes)

Adds a list of loop keyframes to the sequence with the respective name. Each loop keyframe is defined via a sequence interval consisting of at least two keyframes. This interval is repeated (i.e. looped) until a specified point in time (end time).


  • The end time must be less or equal to potential subsequent keyframes.

  • The sequence interval defined with num_keyframes must not contain a loop keyframe (i.e. loop definitions must not overlap).

  • sequence_name (str) – The name of the keyframe sequence, for instance “position x”.

  • loop_keyframes (List[Tuple[float, int]]) – A list of tuples, in which the first value gives the point in time until which a sequence interval should be repeated and the second value the number of keyframes preceding this point in time that make up the sequence interval to be looped.


KeyframeError – If an error occurs.

set_spline(sequence_name, keyframes)

Sets the keyframes with spline as interpolation type for the given sequence name.

  • sequence_name (str) – The name of the keyframe sequence, for instance “position x”.

  • keyframes (List[Tuple[float, Any]]) – A list of tuples, in which the first value indicates the time and the second the value.


KeyframeError – If an error occurs.


Access to a statistic.

Note that some statistics consist of multiple components (e.g. the Vec3 statistic Position). However, they are also accessed via a single Statistic object.

Usage example:

>>> num_particles = scene.statistic("Solver Particles")
>>> print(num_particles.min().value)
>>> print(box.statistic("Position").at("1s").value_as("mm").x)

name – The name of the statistic which must be one of the statistics that is displayed in PreonLab in the Plot Dialog (for instance “Volume Flow Rate” for sensor planes).

Return type



The statistic object.

statistic_buffers(fixed_time_interval=True, unit=UnitSetting.DISPLAY_UNIT, as_scalars=None)

Exports the statistics data of the object as a BufferSet. Read more about buffer usage.

Access the columns of the BufferSet by the statistics name. In order to relate the row entries to points in time, access the “time” column for the timestamps in seconds. If a certain statistic value is not present at a point in time, it is exported as NaN value.

  • fixed_time_interval (bool) – If True, exports samples at a constant frame rate, i.e., the view frame rate. Set to False if you have keyframed the view frame rate to avoid oversampling.

  • unit (UnitSetting) – Specifies the requested units. The default is the unit that is also shown in the Plot Dialog (DISPLAY_UNIT). Other options are INTERNAL_UNIT and BASE_UNIT.

  • as_scalars (Optional[bool]) –

    If False, vector statistics are exported as a single buffer containing vector values. Set to True if you need a distinct buffer for each vector component. By default, False is used.

    Deprecated since version 5.3: Parameter as_scalars is deprecated and will be removed in 7.0.

Return type



A BufferSet containing the statistic values.

Usage example:

>>> stats = obj.statistic_buffers()
>>> stats_time = numpy.array(stats["time"], copy=False)
>>> stats_val = numpy.array(stats["Statistic name"], copy=False)
>>> for t, v in zip(stats_time, stats_val):
>>>     print(t, v)
property statistic_names

A list with names of the available statistics. Note that statistic data might not be available.

Usage example:

>>> print(f"Statistic of Object {obj.name}:")
>>> for stat_name in obj.statistic_names:
>>>     print(f"* {stat_name}")

The entries of the returned list can be used to request a Statistic object via statistic(). Note that if you need a list with all available Statistic objects, you can directly use statistics.

The returned list contains only one statistic name per vector-valued statistic. Example: Only ‘Linear Velocity’ will be returned instead of ‘Linear Velocity Norm’, ‘Linear Velocity X’, ‘Linear Velocity Y’ and ‘Linear Velocity Z’. If you need the names of the individual sequences, please get a Statistic object and then use the sequences property.

Return type



A list of the object’s statistic names.

property statistics

A list of the available statistics.

Return type



A list of the object’s statistics.

property type

Returns the type of the object as a string, like “Preon Solver” or “Camera”. For the scene object it returns “Scene”.

Usage example:

>>> # Deactivate all renderers
>>> for obj_name in scene.object_names:
>>>     obj = scene.find_object(obj_name)
>>>     if obj.type == "Preon Renderer":
>>>         obj["behavior"] = "inactive"
Return type


write_statistics_to_csv(file_path, fixed_time_interval=True, separator=';')

Write statistics data as CSV to the given file.

  • file_path (Union[str, PathLike]) – Defines the file to which the statistics are written.

  • fixed_time_interval (bool) – If True, exports samples at a constant frame rate, i.e., the view frame rate. Set to False if you have keyframed the view frame rate to avoid oversampling.

  • separator (str) – Defines the separator used in the CSV export.

Object specific functionality

class GlobalTransformMixin

Returns the global transformation matrix of this object. It describes the transformation of the objects position, rotation and scale from its untransformed origin to the current state.

Return type



Returns the components of the transformation matrix as a list of lists where each sub-list contains one row of the matrix.

Usage example:

>>> transformation_matrix = np.array(obj.global_transform())
>>> transformed_points = transformation_matrix @ np.array([[1, 2, 3, 1], [4, 5, 6, 1]]).transpose()
class ParticleDataAccessMixin

Returns names of data that is exportable to ensight using the export_sample_data_to_ensight method.

Return type



A list of strings. You can use this list, or a subset, as the data argument of the export_sample_data_to_ensight method.

export_sample_data_to_ensight(start, stop, path, per_node=True, id=False, data=None)

Exports the particle data in the EnSight Gold format. All particles are exported as point elements. It’s possible to export additional variables by specifying the data parameter.

  • start (int) – First view frame of the export.

  • stop (int) – Last view frame of the export.

  • path (str) – Path to the empty target directory.

  • per_node (bool) – Specifies if additional data is exported per node or per point element.

  • id (bool) – If set to True the particle id is also exported per point element.

  • data (Optional[List[str]]) – List of strings, specifying the additional data, that should be exported. See ensight_exportable_data for possible values.


Returns the list of names of particle buffers that can be accessed via particle_buffers() or particle_buffers_list().

Return type



Returns a list of strings. You can provide a subset of this list to particle_buffers() or particle_buffers_list() for a limited but potentially more efficient access.


This function provides direct access to the particle buffers. This includes position and other per-particle data. A buffer may contain NaN values for particles that cannot provide information on the respective quantity stored in the buffer. In order to safely use this functionality, certain rules need to be followed. Read more about buffer access. Note that for rigid objects, dynamic sampling is required to be turned off in order to access the particle buffers with this method. See particle_buffers_list() if you want to use it with dynamic sampling turned on.


buffer_names (Optional[List[str]]) – List of strings, specifying the buffers that should be accessible. See particle_buffer_names() for possible values. If none are specified, all accessible buffers are returned.


DataNotAvailable – If an element in the buffers parameter is not available.

Return type



A context manager for accessing the BufferSetRef containing the particle buffers.

Usage example:

>>> with obj.particle_buffers() as buffers:
>>>     print(buffers.keys())
>>>     del buffers

This function provides direct access to the particle buffers. This includes position and other per-particle data. In order to safely use this functionality, certain rules need to be followed. Read more about buffer access. Compared to particle_buffers() this method supports dynamic sampling. If dynamic sampling is turned off, it will always return a single element list.


buffer_names (Optional[List[str]]) – List of strings, specifying the buffers that should be accessible. See particle_buffer_names() for possible values. If none are specified, all accessible buffers are returned.


DataNotAvailable – If an element in the buffers parameter is not available.

Return type



A context manager for accessing the list of BufferSetRef containing the particle buffers.

Usage example:

>>> with obj.particle_buffers_list() as buffers_list:
>>>     for buffers in buffers_list:
>>>         use_buffers(buffers)
>>>     del buffers
>>>     del buffers_list

Solid objects

class Rigid

Bases: preonpy.objects.Object, preonpy.objects.GlobalTransformMixin, preonpy.objects.ParticleDataAccessMixin

PreonPy class for the following object types:

  • Alembic Mesh

  • Box

  • Capsule

  • Cuboid

  • Cylinder

  • Mesh

  • Plane

  • Porous Rigid

  • Sphere


Maps the quantities stored in the point cloud (e.g. temperature) to the surface sampling of the rigid.


RuntimeError – If no point cloud is connected, or the rigid´s system type is not set to ‘ClosedFixed’.


Computes the local coordinate system of a rigid by performing a principal component analysis on its triangle mesh. This method changes (pivot) position and (pivot) orientation of the rigid.

Attention: The result of this method might not match expectation, e.g. the resulting position and orientation might not be useful to rotate a gear around its rotation axis.

export_sample_data_to_csv(start, stop, local_coords, separator=';')

Exports the sample data of a rigid as CSV file(s). The frame number is used for naming the file(s). The exported files are stored in the folder ‘SimData/RigidData/<rigid_name>’ in the scene directory.

  • start (int) – First view frame.

  • stop (int) – Last view frame. Can be equal to start.

  • local_coords (bool) – If True, the data is saved in the local space of the rigid, else the global scene space is used.

  • separator (str) – Specifies the separator used for the CSV export.


Compute and return the rigid coloring texture. This is a 3D texture that contains the coloring of the rigid based on connected sensors or the coloring property of the rigid.

Return type



The texture or None is returned. The latter is the case if the rigid is not

yet sampled with particles or if all particles have the default color.

raycast(ray_origin, ray_dir)

Casts a ray from the given origin into the given direction and returns the distance to the closest hit. Returns -1 if no hit was found. This function may be computationally very expensive depending on the amount of triangles in the mesh.

  • ray_origin (Union[Quantity, Tuple[float, float, float]]) – The origin position of the ray. The provided vector value should be in “m” or in a compatible length Quantity.

  • ray_dir (Tuple[float, float, float]) – The direction of the ray.

Return type



The distance in “m” to the closest hit or -1 of not hit was found.


Resets the pivot of an object. This function can be used to undo compute_system()


This function provides direct access to the geometry of this rigid, i.e., its triangle mesh. This includes positions and the per-position normals. In order to safely use this functionality, certain rules need to be followed. Read more about buffer access.

Return type



A context manager for accessing the TriangleDataRef containing the buffers.

Usage example:

>>> with rigid.triangle_buffers() as triangle_data:
>>>     triangles_indices = np.array(triangle_data.triangles(), copy=False)
>>>     positions = np.array(triangle_data.positions(), copy=False)
>>>     for indices in triangles_indices:
>>>         print("Triangle at ", positions[indices])
>>>     del triangle_data
>>>     del triangles_indices
>>>     del positions

Sensors (Plane, Mesh, Wetting, Force, Thermal, Height, Y+), Air Flow Visualizer, Height Field and Velocity Projection Field, Pathlines

class FloatFieldObject

Bases: preonpy.objects.Object, preonpy.objects.GlobalTransformMixin

PreonPy class for the following object types:

  • Velocity Projection Field

  • Vector Field Visualizer

  • Height Field


Get direct access to texture of the float field object, i.e., its image data including width, height and per-pixel color as a buffer. Since the color buffer gives direct access to the memory of preonpy, certain rules need to be followed in order to safely use this functionality. Read more about buffer access.

Return type



A context manager for accessing the ImageRef containing the image data.

Usage example:

>>> with floatfield.get_image() as image:
>>>     width = image.width()
>>>     height = image.height()
>>>     pixel_data = numpy.array(image.data(), copy=False)
>>>     print(pixel_data)
>>>     del pixel_data
>>>     del image
get_projected_value(position, default)

Projects position on the 2D field and returns the value stored at that position. If the projected point is outside the 2D field, the default value is returned.

  • position (Union[Quantity, Vec3, Tuple[float, float, float]]) – Position to be queried.

  • default (float) – Value to be returned if position could not be projected to the 2D field.

Return type


class SensorObject

Bases: preonpy.objects.Object

PreonPy class for the following object types:

  • Force Sensor

  • Height Sensor

  • Y+ Sensor

  • Thermal Sensor

  • Wetting Sensor

  • Sensor Mesh

export_sample_data_to_csv(start, stop, local_coords, quantity_names=None, separator=';')

Exports the sample data of the sensor as CSV file(s). The frame number is used for naming the file(s). The exported files are stored in the respective subfolder of the folder ‘SensorData’ in the scene directory.

  • start (int) – First view frame.

  • stop (int) – Last view frame. Can be equal to start.

  • local_coords (bool) – If True, the data is saved in the local space of the object, else the global scene space is used.

  • quantity_names (Optional[List[str]]) – A list of names of measured values. If None, all measured values are saved to the file. If you want to save a subset of the measured values only, use names_of_measured_values() to get a list of valid names.

  • separator (str) – Specifies the separator that is used for the CSV export.


Returns the list of names for the values measured by the sensor.

Return type


sensor_buffers(local_coords, quantity_names=None)

Exports the current sensor data as a BufferSet. Read more about buffer usage.

  • local_coords (bool) – If True, the data is saved in the local space of the object, else the global scene space is used.

  • quantity_names (Optional[List[str]]) – A list of names of measured values. If None, all measured values are saved to the file. If you want to save a subset of the measured values only, use names_of_measured_values() to get a list of valid names.

Return type



A BufferSet containing the requested values.

Usage example:

>>> force.sensor_buffers(False)["Pressure"]
class SensorPlane

Bases: preonpy.objects.SensorObject, preonpy.objects.FloatFieldObject

PreonPy class for the object type ‘Sensor Plane’.

class Pathlines

Bases: preonpy.objects.SpatialObject

PreonPy class for the object type ‘Pathlines’.

export_mesh(file_path, diameter_scale=1, length_threshold_scale=1, angle_threshold=Quantity(0.0, °), number_of_edges=9, binary_file=True, mesh_unit='m')

This function exports the pathlines as mesh.

  • file_path (Union[str, PathLike]) – Defines the file to which the mesh is written and its format. Supported formats: ‘{“.obj”, “.ply”, “.dae”, “.assbin”, “.stl”}’

  • diameter_scale (float) – Defines the diameter of the tubes representing the pathlines, given as factor of the (minimum) particle size of the connected solver.

  • length_threshold_scale (float) – The segments that are shorter than the provided value will be merged together. Given as factor of the (minimum) particle size of the connected solver.

  • angle_threshold (Union[Quantity, float]) – If set, the consecutive segments that diverge by an angle smaller than ‘angle_threshold’ will be merged together. The provided value should be in “°” or in a compatible angle Quantity.

  • number_of_edges (int) – The number of edges on the cross-section of the tubes.

  • binary_file (bool) – Outputs a binary file if true else the file would be written in ASCII. Only available for “.ply” and “.stl”.

  • mesh_unit (str) – The mesh will be scaled to the given unit upon export. Possible values can be retrieved from the “length” row of the units table.

Usage example:

>>> # Export pathlines to PLY binary file using default mesh export unit (m), diameter (particle size) and length filter
>>> pathlines.export_mesh("C:\pathlines_mesh.ply")
>>> # Export pathlines to PLY ASCII file
>>> pathlines.export_mesh("C:\pathlines_mesh.stl", binary_file=False)

This function provides direct access to the pathline data. The returned BufferSet contains one buffer per pathline. Each pathline consists of a sequence of points. Each point then consists of X,Y,Z values and a value that represents what is visualized in the GUI. All sequences have the same length, but they might have NaN values if no data is present at respective frames.

Return type



A BufferSet containing the buffers.

Usage example:

>>> lines = obj.get_line_data()
>>> print(lines.keys())

Preon Renderer

class PreonRenderer

Bases: preonpy.objects.Object

PreonPy class for the object type ‘Preon Renderer’.

render(start, stop=None, cam_objects=None)

Render the frames in the given range for one or multiple cameras.

  • start (Union[int, str, Frame, Second, Quantity]) – Rendering start. Can be either an integer representing the frame number, a time string, a Frame, a Second object or a Quantity representing time.

  • stop (Union[int, str, Frame, Second, Quantity, None]) – Rendering end (can be equal to start). Can be either an integer representing the frame number, a time string, a Frame, a Second or a Quantity representing time object or None. If None, only the start frame is rendered.

  • cam_objects (Union[Camera, List[Camera], None]) – Camera object or list of camera objects. Renderer uses connected camera, if omitted.

Usage example:

>>> renderer = scene.find_object("MyRenderer")
>>> renderer.render("0s", "1s")
>>> cam_x = scene.find_object("CamX")
>>> renderer.render(0, 5, cam_x)


class SolverObject

Bases: preonpy.objects.Object, preonpy.objects.ParticleDataAccessMixin

PreonPy class for the following object types:

  • Preon Solver

  • Solid Volume Solver

  • Snow Solver

  • Periodic Boundary Solver

export_sample_data_to_csv(start, stop, separator=';')

Exports the particle data of a fluid as CSV file(s). The frame number is used for naming the file(s). The exported files are stored in the folder ‘SimData/FluidData/<solver_name>’ in the scene directory.

  • start (int) – First view frame.

  • stop (int) – Last view frame. Can be equal to start.

  • separator (str) – Specifies the separator used for the CSV export.

Statistic Resource, Point Cloud Resource, Tensor Fields

class StatisticResource

Bases: preonpy.objects.Object

PreonPy class for the object type ‘Statistic Resource’.


Imports the content of a CSV file (.csv) or PreonLab Statistic file (.stats) to the statistic resource.


filePath (Union[str, PathLike]) – The path to the file that should be imported.

class PointCloudResource

Bases: preonpy.objects.Object

PreonPy class for the object type ‘Point Cloud Resource’.

import_from_csv(file_path, separator=';')

Imports the content of a CSV file (.csv) to the point cloud resource. Make sure that you have set the correct column names employed in the CSV file in the respective properties of the point cloud resource object.

  • file_path (Union[str, PathLike]) – The path to the file that should be imported.

  • separator (str) – The character used to separate the column entries in the CSV file.

class VectorFieldObject

Bases: preonpy.objects.Object, preonpy.objects.GlobalTransformMixin

PreonPy class for the following object types:

  • Air Flow

  • Acceleration Field

import_from_csv(file_path, columnHeaders, separator=';')

Imports the content of a CSV file (.csv) to an object.

  • file_path (Union[str, PathLike]) – The path to the file that should be imported.

  • separator (str) – The character used to separate the column entries in the CSV file.

  • columnHeaders (List[str]) – A list of three position column names, followed by three column names of the entity. Order is x, y, z.


Usage example:

>>> air_flow.import_from_csv("C:/test.csv", ["# PositionX","PositionY","PositionZ","VelocityX","VelocityY","VelocityZ"])
>>> acceleration_field.import_from_csv("C:/test.csv", ["# PositionX","PositionY","PositionZ","AccelerationX","AccelerationY","AccelerationZ"])

Car Suspension Model, Vehicle Simulation Model

class CarSuspensionModel

Bases: preonpy.objects.Object

PreonPy class for the object type ‘Car Suspension Model’.

position_base_transform(transform_group, position)

Positions a transform group (TG) which is the transform parent of the car suspension model (CSM), i.e., connected to the Transform input slot of the CSM. Use this function to re-position the TG without changing the global positioning of sprung and unsprung car geometries.

  • transform_group (Object) – A transform group object that is a transformation parent of the car suspension model.

  • position (Union[Quantity, Tuple[float, float, float]]) – The new position of the transform group. The provided vector value should be in “m” or in a compatible length Quantity.

class VehicleSimulationModel

Bases: preonpy.objects.Object

PreonPy class for the object type ‘Vehicle Simulation Model’.


class Group

Bases: preonpy.objects.Object

PreonPy class for the object type ‘Group’. Only objects of one category can be grouped.


Iterate over subitems of this group.

Return type



iterator over subitems

Usage example:

>>> for sub in group:
>>>     print(sub.name)

Adds an object to the object group.


obj (Object) – The object to be added to the group.


GroupError – If the passed object can not be added or is already part of this group.

Usage example:

>>> group.add(scene.create_object("Box"))

Removes an object from the object group.


obj (Object) – The object to be removed from the group.


GroupError – If the passed object is not part of this group.

Usage example:

>>> group.remove(scene.find_object("Box_1"))

Returns a list containing all subitems.

Return type



List of subitems

Usage example:

>>> for sub in group.subitems():
>>>     print(sub.name)

Object connections

connect_objects(obj1, obj2, slot_name, input_slot_name=None)

Creates a connection from obj1 to obj2 for the given connection slot name.

  • obj1 (Object) – Object from which the connection should go out.

  • obj2 (Object) – Object into which the connection should go in.

  • slot_name (str) – The name of the connection slot. The name is the same that is displayed in the PreonLab connection editor, for instance “Transform”.

  • input_slot_name (Optional[str]) – The name of the slot at obj2. If not given this will be assumed to be the same as slot_name.


ConnectionError – If the objects could not be connected.

Usage example:

>>> tg1 = scene.create_object("Transform Group")
>>> box = scene.find_object("Box_1")
>>> preonpy.connect_objects(tg1, box, "Transform")
disconnect_objects(obj1, obj2, slot_name, input_slot_name=None)

Removes the connection from obj1 to obj2 for the given connection slot name.

  • obj1 (Object) – Object from which the connection goes out.

  • obj2 (Object) – Object into which the connection goes in.

  • slot_name (str) – The name of the connection slot. The name is the same that is displayed in the PreonLab connection editor, for instance “Transform”.

  • input_slot_name (Optional[str]) – The name of the slot at obj2. If not given this will be assumed to be the same as slot_name.


ConnectionError – If the objects could not be connected.

Usage example:

>>> tg1 = scene.find_object("TransformGroup_1")
>>> box = scene.find_object("Box_1")
>>> preonpy.disconnect_objects(tg1, box, "Transform")

Utility classes

class Vec3
property norm

Norm of the vector.

replace(self: preonpy._preonpy.Vec3, **kwargs)preonpy._preonpy.Vec3

Returns a copy of this object with one or more components replaced. The replaced components can be specified as keyword argument.

property x

X coordinate.

property y

Y coordinate.

property z

Z coordinate.

class EulerAngles
property phi

PHI component.

property psi

PSI component.

replace(self: preonpy._preonpy.EulerAngles, **kwargs)preonpy._preonpy.EulerAngles

Returns a copy of this object with one or more components replaced. The replaced components can be specified as keyword argument.

property theta

THETA component.

class Color(r, g, b, a)

Alias for field number 3


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

class SymmetricMatrix33
replace(self: preonpy._preonpy.SymmetricMatrix33, **kwargs)preonpy._preonpy.SymmetricMatrix33

Returns a copy of this object with one or more components replaced. The replaced components can be specified as keyword argument.

property xx

XX component.

property xy

XY/YX components.

property xz

XZ/ZX components.

property yy

YY component.

property yz

YZ/ZY components.

property zz

ZZ component.

class Second(seconds)

Specifies a point in time of the simulation, represented in seconds. To be used as a parameter of various functions.

class Frame(frame_number, view=None, obj=False)

Specifies a point in time of the simulation, represented as a frame number. To be used as a parameter of various functions. By default, the view frame rate is used. If the frame number refers to the simulation frame rate, view has to be set to False. If you want to refer to the objects frame rate, then set obj to True. This defaults to the view frame rate or the model framerate, but can be overridden for some objects.


Starting from PreonLab 5.1, the support for units has been greatly improved. Many methods are built around the Quantity utility class. For example, it is possible to use it in property assignments or to retrieve and work with statistics as quantities:

solver["particle size"] = preonpy.Quantity(10, "mm")
kelvin_at_20ms = solver.statistic("Avg. Temperature").at("20ms").value_as("K")

This allows scripts to be more readable, as the units can be explicitly stated in the code, and more robust against wrong assumptions about how a value is returned. In scripts that are meant to be reusable we encourage you to favor base_value and value_as() over value.

class Quantity(value, unit='')
property base_unit

Gives access to the SI base unit. See base_value and units table.

Usage example:

>>> print("SI base unit of " + str(quantity.unit) + " is  "+ quantity.base_unit)
Return type



The SI base unit for the specified unit of this quantity.

property base_value

Gives access to the value in the SI base unit (see base_unit, units table).

Usage example:

>>> print(str(quantity.base_value) + " in SI base unit " + quantity.base_unit)
Return type

Union[float, Vec3, EulerAngles, SymmetricMatrix33]


The value in the SI base unit. The value can be a float or a compound type containing multiple float elements.


Provides conversion to a given unit.

Usage example:

>>> print(Quantity(0.1, "m").convert("mm"))

unit (str) – The unit the returned quantity should be converted to.

Return type



A new converted quantity object.


Provides conversion to the SI base unit (see units table).

Usage example:

>>> print(Quantity(110, "mm").convert_baseunit().unit == "m")
>>> print(Quantity(110, "mm").convert_baseunit().value > 0.1)
Return type



A new converted quantity object.

property unit

Gives access to the specified unit (see value).

Usage example:

>>> print("Quantity has unit " + quantity.unit)
Return type



The specified unit.

property value

Gives access to the value in the specified unit.

Usage example:

>>> print(str(quantity.value) + " in unit " + quantity.unit)
Return type

Union[float, Vec3, EulerAngles, SymmetricMatrix33]


The value in the specified unit. The value can be a float or a compound type containing multiple float elements.


Quick access to the value in a given unit.

Usage example:

>>> q = Quantity(0.1, "m")
>>> print("0.1 m equals " + str(q.value_as("mm")) + " mm")

unit (str) – The unit the returned value should be converted to.

Return type

Union[float, Vec3, EulerAngles, SymmetricMatrix33]


The converted value.

Class UnitSetting is used as an argument for e.g. statistic_buffers().

class UnitSetting


DISPLAY_UNIT : Represents what e.g. the Plot dialog shows. It is defined by the default units of the scene and per-statistic-and-object user overrides.

BASE_UNIT : Base SI unit. See units table for the exact units used.

INTERNAL_UNIT : The unit PreonLab uses internally.

property name
property value

Provides alternative units to a given unit.

Usage example:

>>> if "mm" in preonpy.get_unit_alternatives("m"):
>>>     print("Things can be small.")

unit (str) – Unit for which the alternatives should be returned.

Return type



All supported alternatives for the given unit. Includes the given unit itself.

The following table shows which units are compatible with each other and which unit is the SI base unit used in several places.


SI base unit

Compatible units


m s^-2

  • m s^-2



  • rad

  • °



  • m^2

  • mm^2


m^2 N^-1

  • m^2 N^-1



  • %

damper rate

N s m^-1

  • N s m^-1



  • B

  • GB

  • MB

  • TB

  • kB


kg m^-3

  • g cm^-3

  • kg m^-3

dynamic viscosity

Pa s

  • Pa s



  • J

  • mJ

font size


  • pt



  • N

  • kN

force density

N m^-3

  • N m^-3



  • s^-1

heat flux

W m^-2

  • W m^-2

  • kW m^-2

  • mW m^-2

heat transfer coefficient

W m^-2 K^-1

  • W m^-2 K^-1



  • cm

  • km

  • m

  • mm



  • g

  • kg

  • t

mass flow rate

kg s^-1

  • g s^-1

  • kg s^-1

  • t s^-1

moment of inertia

kg m^2

  • kg m^2


kg m s^-1

  • kg m s^-1



  • W

power density

W m^-3

  • W m^-3

precipitation rate

mm min^-1

  • mm min^-1



  • GPa

  • MPa

  • Pa

  • bar

  • kPa

rotational velocity

rad s^-1

  • rad s^-1

  • rpm

  • rps

  • ° s^-1

specific heat capacity

J kg^-1 K^-1

  • J g^-1 K^-1

  • J kg^-1 K^-1

surface tension

N m^-1

  • N m^-1



  • K

  • °C

thermal conductivity

W m^-1 K^-1

  • W m^-1 K^-1



  • d

  • h

  • min

  • mo

  • ms

  • s


N m

  • N m


m s^-1

  • km h^-1

  • m s^-1

  • mm s^-1



  • L

  • m^3

  • ml

  • mm^3

volume flow rate

m^3 s^-1

  • L min^-1

  • m^3 s^-1

  • ml min^-1

  • mm^3 s^-1


class Statistic(id, obj)

alias of preonpy._preonpy.StatisticWeightMode

at(time, unit=UnitSetting.DISPLAY_UNIT)

Returns the value of the statistic at the given time.

Usage example:

>>> num_particles = scene.statistic("Solver Particles")
>>> print(num_particles.at("10ms").value)
Return type



The interpolated value of the statistic if the given time is inside the data range, i.e., if there are both earlier and later points for which statistic values exist. In case a statistic value exists only for one of the two time points (earlier or later), that value is returned.

avg(start_time, end_time, unit=UnitSetting.DISPLAY_UNIT, weight=StatisticWeightMode.UNIFORM)
Returns the average of the statistic values in the given time range. For statistics consisting of multiple

components (e.g. Vec3), the component-wise average is taken.

Usage example:

>>> avg_liters = volume_sensor.statistic("Volume").avg("500ms", "4s").value_as("L")
Return type



The value of the statistic at the given time.

property base_unit

SI base unit for this statistic.


StatisticNotAvailable – If the statistic does not exist.

Return type


property display_unit

Unit which is e.g. used in the Plot Dialog.


StatisticNotAvailable – If the statistic does not exist.

Return type


property has_data

Returns True if the statistic has any data point.


StatisticNotAvailable – If the statistic does not exist.

Return type


property internal_unit

Unit in which this statistic is stored internally. Note: This property is read-only.


StatisticNotAvailable – If the statistic does not exist.

Return type


Returns the maximum value that this statistic has over time. For statistics consisting of multiple

components (e.g. Vec3), the component-wise maximum is taken.

Usage example:

>>> max_flow_rate_quantity = sensor_plane.statistic("Volume Flow Rate").max()
>>> max_box_z_component = box.statistic("Position").max().value.z

unit (UnitSetting) – Specifies the requested units. The default is the unit that is also shown in the Plot Dialog (DISPLAY_UNIT). Other options are INTERNAL_UNIT and BASE_UNIT.

Return type



The maximum value over time of the statistic.

Returns the minimum value that this statistic has over time. For statistics consisting of multiple

components (e.g. Vec3), the component-wise minimum is taken.

Usage example:

>>> num_particles = scene.statistic("Solver Particles")
>>> print("There are at least " + str(num_particles.min().value) + " particles.")

unit (UnitSetting) – Specifies the requested units. The default is the unit that is also shown in the Plot Dialog (DISPLAY_UNIT). Other options are INTERNAL_UNIT and BASE_UNIT.

Return type



The minimum value over time of the statistic.

property name

Returns the full name of this statistic, which is composed of the reduction type abbreviation followed by the quantity name.

Return type


property quantity_name

Returns the name of the quantity this statistic holds.

Return type


property reduction_type

Returns the reduction type of this statistic.

Return type


property sequences

Returns the sequences of this statistic.

Return type


property value_type

Returns the type the data of this statistic has.

Return type


class StatisticSequence
property buffer_name

Returns the name of this statistic in the statistics buffer set. For compatibility reasons, this name may differ from the full name.

property color

The color of the plot line for this sequence.

property full_name

Returns the full name of the sequence, i.e., the statistic name with the sequence suffix appended.

property suffix

Returns the sequence suffix used for representing the sequence in the statistic.

class StatisticWeightMode


UNIFORM : In this mode, averaging a statistic will assign uniform weights to the data points. The average is the sum of all data divided by the number of data points.

TIME : In this mode, averaging a statistic will assign a weight to each data point that is proportional to the summed time differences to its neighboring data points. This is a typical way to time-average time series of physical quantities.

TIME = StatisticWeightMode.TIME
UNIFORM = StatisticWeightMode.UNIFORM
property name
property value


checkout_license(license_main, license_boost=None, license_model=None, license_model_boost=None)

Checks out the given licenses and checks in all currently used licenses.


InvalidLicenseError – If an invalid combination of license types was requested (more details are stated in the error message) or if the requested license was not available for checkout.

Usage example:

>>> # Checkout a base license
>>> preonpy.checkout_license(preonpy.LicenseTypes.BASE)
>>> # Checkout a nodelocked prepost license with enough simulation thread licenses to use all cores.
>>> preonpy.checkout_license(preonpy.LicenseTypes.PREPOST,
>>>     preonpy.LicenseTypes.SIM_THREADS_MAX, preonpy.LicenseModels.NODELOCKED)

Returns a tuple containing the currently used licenses.

Return type

Tuple[Optional[str], Union[str, int, None], Optional[str], Optional[str]]


A tuple (main, boost, model, model_boost): main could be either LicenseTypes.BASE or LicenseTypes.PREPOST. boost is either None, LicenseTypes.MPI_UNLIMITED, or the number of checked out licenses. model is either LicenseModels.FLOATING, LicenseModels.NODELOCKED or LicenseModels.METERED and describes the license model of the main license. model_boost is either LicenseModels.FLOATING or LicenseModels.METERED and describes the license model of the boost license.


Returns the path on which the license file is expected.

Return type



Returns the maximum number of simulation threads that the currently used license(s) permit. -1 Indicates no limit.

Return type


class LicenseTypes

Exists to ensure backwards compatibility.

Deprecated since version 6.0: Please use BASE instead. Will be removed in PreonLab 7.0.

class LicenseModels

Conversion (Seconds, Frames, Time Strings)

to_seconds(time_string=None, frame=None, scene=None, view=None, obj=None)

Converts time formatted string or frame to seconds.

  • time_string (Optional[str]) – String using the time format.

  • frame (Optional[int]) – Frame number.

  • scene (Optional[Scene]) – The scene object. Only needed if converting from a frame number. Must not be used if obj is employed.

  • obj (Optional[Object]) – An object in the scene. Needed if you want to convert to the object´s frame number.

  • view (Optional[bool]) – Specifies, if the passed frame number relates to view or simulation frame rate. By default the view frame rate is used. Only needed if converting from a frame number. Must not be set if obj is used.

Return type




Usage example:

>>> preonpy.to_seconds("1s")
>>> preonpy.to_seconds(frame=10, scene=my_scene)
>>> preonpy.to_seconds(frame=5, view=False, scene=my_scene)
>>> preonpy.to_seconds(frame=4, obj=my_renderer)
to_frame(time, scene=None, view=None, ceil=False, floor=False, obj=None)

Converts time formatted string or seconds to frames.

  • time (Union[str, float]) – Time as a number representing seconds or as a time string.

  • scene (Optional[Scene]) – The scene object. Must not be used if obj is employed.

  • view (Optional[bool]) – Specifies, if the returned frame number relates to view or simulation frame rate. By default, the view frame rate is used. Must not be set if obj is used.

  • ceil (bool) – If True, the returned frame number is rounded to the next value.

  • floor (bool) – If True, the returned frame number is rounded to the previous value.

  • obj (Optional[Object]) – An object in the scene. Needed if you want to convert to the object´s frame number.

Return type



Frame number

Usage example:

>>> preonpy.to_frame("1s", scene=my_scene)
>>> preonpy.to_frame(1, scene=my_scene)
>>> preonpy.to_frame("100ms", view=False, scene=my_scene)
>>> preonpy.to_frame("1ms", ceil=True, scene=my_scene)
>>> preonpy.to_frame("1s", obj=my_renderer)
to_time_string(seconds=None, frame=None, scene=None, view=None, obj=None)

Convert frame or seconds to time formatted string. All parameters must be passed as keyword argument (keyword=value).

  • seconds (Optional[float]) – Simulation time as a number representing seconds.

  • frame (Optional[int]) – Frame number.

  • scene (Optional[Scene]) – The scene object. Only needed if converting from a frame number. Must not be used if obj is employed.

  • view (Optional[bool]) – Specifies, if the passed frame number relates to view or simulation frame rate. By default the view frame rate is used. Only needed if converting from a frame number.

  • obj (Optional[Object]) – An object in the scene. Needed if you want to convert to the object´s frame number. Must not be set if obj is used.


Time formatted string.

Usage example:

>>> preonpy.to_time_string(seconds=1.5)
>>> preonpy.to_time_string(frame=10, scene=my_scene)
>>> preonpy.to_time_string(frame=5, view=False, scene=my_scene)
>>> preonpy.to_time_string(frame=4, obj=my_renderer)



Holds the current scene. Only meant for read access.

Deprecated since version 5.0: Use get_scenes() instead or preonlab.current_scene for PreonLab. Will be removed in PreonLab 7.0.


Returns the path of the log file.

Return type



Returns the path of the directory where log files should be written to.

Return type



Sets the path of the directory where log files should be written to.


new_dir (Union[str, PathLike]) – Path of the directory.


Returns the version string of PreonLab.

Return type


Return type



A list with all currently opened scenes.


Returns the default scene directory used when creating a new scene.

Return type



Sets the default scene directory used when creating a new scene.


default_scene_dir (Union[str, PathLike]) – Path of the directory.

set_features(*, gpu=None, **kwargs)

Enable or disable features.

The “gpu” feature is disabled by default. If enabled in the beginning, when no license was checkout out directly with checkout_license() or indirectly e.g. by creating or loading a Scene, then the initial license checkout will try to check out a suitable license. If you later want to switch to a GPU license you have to first change the licensing to include a GPU license and then enable the gpu feature. Note that GPU license swtiching is only possible when all scenes are closed. Also changing the gpu feature has no effect on already opened scenes.

Usage example:

>>> import preonpy
>>> preonpy.set_features(gpu=True)
>>> preonpy.Scene("some/path.prscene").simulate()  # Will check out GPU license and simulate with GPU support.

Usage example in case initial licensing already happend:

>>> for scene in preonpy.get_scenes()
>>>     scene.close()  # Closes all currently opened scenes!
>>> preonpy.checkout_license(preonpy.LicenseTypes.FULL, preonpy.LicenseTypes.GPU)
>>> preonpy.set_features(gpu=True)
>>> preonpy.Scene("some/path.prscene").simulate()  # Will simulate with GPU support.

Usage example to release a previously checked out GPU license:

>>> for scene in preonpy.get_scenes()
>>>     scene.close()  # Closes all currently opened scenes!
>>> preonpy.set_features(gpu=False)
>>> preonpy.checkout_license(preonpy.LicenseTypes.FULL, None)
Return type



Used to define plugin-specific arguments. Currently, this is only used for the gpuSelection argument of the GPU plugin.

Note: It is not possible to change the specified settings after the Preon Core has booted, e.g. after a scene has been loaded.

Usage example:

>>> import preonpy
>>> preonpy.set_features(gpu=True)
>>> preonpy.plugin_args(gpuSelection=1)
>>> # or select to run on two GPUs.
>>> preonpy.plugin_args(gpuSelection=[1,3])
>>> preonpy.Scene("some/path.prscene").simulate()  # Will check out GPU license and simulate with GPU support.
Return type



Configures if progress output is shown for some long running tasks like simulate or post_process. The default value is True.


Deprecated since version 5.2: Use preonpy.show_progress instead. Will be removed in PreonLab 7.0.


This configures the default behavior of the close_existing parameter of Scene. By default it is set to True, which means that no scene is closed automatically. Set this to False in order close all existing scenes if you open or load a new one.

class DataCategory

Log files, like the action log file or the version file.


All input files required for a scene


Data that can be created during post-processing or in addition to simulation data during simulation runs. Doesn’t include simulation data.


Data that was written during a simulation. Doesn’t include post-processing data.


Statistic data, that was created during post-processing or simulation runs.

Functionality excluded from PreonLab Console

Some functionality, implemented in the preonpy module, is NOT accessible via PreonLab Console. You can only use it in when using PreonPy as an installed preonpy package or when executing scripts via PreonCLI:

PreonLab-only functionality

The following items, defined in the preonlab module, are only accessible via PreonLab Console. You can use them either in scripts that are executed in the Console or via the input field. Note that the preonpy and preonlab modules are already imported to be used in the input field, i.e., calling import preonpy and import preonlab is not necessary.


Holds the scene currently opened in PreonLab. Note: Reassigning another scene to this variable is prohibited.

Usage example:

import preonlab


Returns all objects selected in the scene inspector as a list.

Usage example:

import preonlab

for obj in preonlab.selection():

Time Format

Times can be specified using the format:


<unit> is one of mo (months), d (days), h (hours), m (minutes), s (seconds), ms (milliseconds), and <value> is an integer value. Multiple value/unit pairs can be concatenated using “:”.


  • 50ms

  • 6m:10d

Buffer access

With PreonPy it is possible to have direct access to particle data without copying data from one memory location to another, i.e., direct access to the data structures of PreonCore. In order to do this in a safe way, certain rules have to be followed.

The three Python types that handle the memory access are Buffer, BufferSet, BufferSetRef and TriangleDataRef. The first represents a chunk of memory. It is a (potentially multi-dimensional) array of a certain data type. It implements Python’s Buffer Protocol, which enables other libraries to access this data. A BufferSet represents a set of Buffer objects. This also holds for BufferSetRef and TriangleDataRef objects, with the difference that they give access to data still used by PreonCore. This imposes some rules described in the next section but has the benefit of a more efficient access.

Safe usage of BufferSetRef

When working with BufferSetRef or TriangleDataRef objects, it is crucial to remove the references to both, buffers and their containers, before altering the scene by, e.g., adding or deleting objects, simulating, post processing, changing properties or loading frames. The following code snippet shows how this works:

import preonpy

s = preonpy.Scene("someScene.prscene")
solver = s.find_object("PreonSolver_1")

with solver.particle_buffers() as buffers:
   position_buffer = buffers["Position"]
   [...]  # work with position_buffer
   del position_buffer
   del buffers
[...]  # continue altering scene

In this example, position_buffer is a Buffer object containing the positions of the fluid. It was retrieved from buffers which is the BufferSetRef containing all the fluid data. The buffer set can be requested from, in this case, the solver via a so-called context manager. In the code, it is represented by the with keyword and the indentation. solver.particle_buffers() returns the context manager and the with ... as buffers: part enters the context and provides the buffer set. Within this context, i.e., inside of the indented code block, the buffer set can be used. At the end and before leaving this context, the del keyword has to be used to remove all references to both, buffer sets and buffer objects.

If not all references are deleted, a warning is printed on leaving the with block. Please note that we reserve the right to raise an exception or to enforce an application exit in future versions.

Furthermore, as long as references to buffers or buffer sets exist, it is not safe to call functions that alter the scene. If such functionality is used nonetheless, a warning is printed.


Ignoring such a warning may cause application crashes or lead to other undesired behavior.

Note that BufferSet objects can be used without all the mechanisms described above, since the referenced memory is not used by PreonCore anymore:

sensor_buffers = force_sensor.sensor_buffers(False)
pressure_01 = numpy.array(sensor_buffers["Pressure"], copy=False)
[...]  # continue altering scene

Buffer usage, NumPy

As mentioned above, Buffer objects implement Python’s Buffer Protocol. This means a reference to internal memory and some meta data about size, shape, data type and indexing scheme can be retrieved from it. Usually, this is not directly used by Python code, but by other Python libraries that provide a nice API. A popular library for such tasks is NumPy. The following code contains an example of how to use PreonPy together with NumPy.

import preonpy
import numpy

s = preonpy.Scene("someScene.prscene")
solver = s.find_object("PreonSolver_1")

with solver.particle_buffers() as buffers:
   position_buffer = numpy.array(buffers["Position"], copy=False)
   x = position_buffer[:, 0]  # get the x coordinate of all particles
   if numpy.all((-6 < x) & (x < -4)):
      print("All particles lie between -6 and -4")
   del position_buffer
   del x
   del buffers

Note that copy=False is telling NumPy that the data should not be copied. Consequently, subsequent operations work on the memory exposed from PreonCore. The x variable is a view of a slice of the position data containing the x coordinates. More complex indexing may result in a copy of the data. Consider the NumPy documentation on when a copy is returned rather than a view. The comparison of the x coordinates with the -6/-4 is executed in a performance optimized way, but it will return a new array containing boolean values. There are Python libraries available able to avoid those intermediate copies (e.g. numexpr).

Please note that copies do not need to be removed using del and can be used after exiting the with block.

Note, that it is not possible to alter buffers of BufferSetRef, TriangleDataRef or ImageRef objects.

Working with multiple buffer sets

It is possible to access multiple buffersets at the same time using the following syntax:

with solver.particle_buffers() as fluid_buffers, rigid.particle_buffers() as rigid_buffers:
    [...]  # use buffers of both buffer sets
    del fluid_buffers, rigid_buffers

BufferSet, BufferSetRef, Texture3D, TriangleDataRef, ImageRef, and Buffer

class BufferSet

This is a container of one or more Buffer objects. The contained buffers can be of different type, but always contain the same number of elements.

__getitem__(self: preonpy._preonpy.BufferSet, buffer_name: str)preonpy._preonpy.Buffer

Returns the requested buffer object.

Usage example:

>>> pos = buffers["Position"]
items(self: object) → list

A list of tuples containing the buffer name and buffer object.

keys(self: preonpy._preonpy.BufferSet) → List[str]

A list of buffer names that can be requested using the [] operator.

values(self: object) → list

A list of buffer objects in this buffer set.

class BufferSetRef

This is a container of one or more Buffer objects. The contained buffers can be of different type, but always contain the same number of elements. In contrast to a BufferSet, objects of this class expose memory which is still used by PreonCore. Read more about safe usage.

__getitem__(self: preonpy._preonpy.BufferSetRef, buffer_name: str)preonpy._preonpy.Buffer

Returns the requested buffer object.

Usage example:

>>> pos = buffers["Position"]
items(self: preonpy._preonpy.BufferSetRef) → List[Tuple[str, preonpy._preonpy.Buffer]]

A list of tuples containing the buffer name and buffer object.

keys(self: preonpy._preonpy.BufferSetRef) → List[str]

A list of buffer names that can be requested using the [] operator.

values(self: preonpy._preonpy.BufferSetRef) → List[preonpy._preonpy.Buffer]

A list of buffer objects in this buffer set.

class Texture3D

This object contains 3D texture information. The 3D texture is represented by voxel organized in an axis-aligned box. To know the size and location of voxel, this object provides size(), cell_size(), and min_pos() methods. The voxel color data can be retrieved with data(). Note that the 3D texture may be unaligned with the rigid or not fully cover the rigid if the rigid is not sampled with particles (e.g,, when there is no solver in the scene).

cell_size(self: preonpy._preonpy.Texture3D) → float

The side length of a single cubic cell of the 3D texture.

data(self: preonpy._preonpy.Texture3D)preonpy._preonpy.Buffer

Returns a buffer object containing a two-dimensional array. The first dimension represents the texture voxel and the second dimension, which has always the size 3, contains the red, green, blue value of the respective voxel.

min_pos(self: preonpy._preonpy.Texture3D)preonpy._preonpy.Vec3

The minimal position of the axis-aligned bounding box of the 3D texture. This position is in the global coordinate system independent of the transformation of the rigid this texture belongs to.

size(self: preonpy._preonpy.Texture3D) → List[int[3]]

Size of the 3D texture in x/y/z dimensions.

class TriangleDataRef

This is a container for geometry data. The data consists of lists of positions() and the corresponding normals() at those positions. Furthermore, there is a list of triangles() where each triangle contains indices to the other two lists. Note, that this class exposes memory which is still used by PreonCore. Read more about safe usage.

normals(self: preonpy._preonpy.TriangleDataRef)preonpy._preonpy.Buffer

List of normal vectors that apply to the respective positions().

positions(self: preonpy._preonpy.TriangleDataRef)preonpy._preonpy.Buffer

List of position vectors.

triangles(self: preonpy._preonpy.TriangleDataRef)preonpy._preonpy.Buffer

Returns a buffer object containing a two-dimensional array. The first dimension represents the triangles and the second dimension, which has always the size 3, describes the indices of the vertices a triangle is made of. These indices relate to positions() and normals().

class ImageRef

This object contains image data. This includes the width() and height() of the image as well as the pixel data(). Note, that this class exposes memory which is still used by PreonCore. Read more about safe usage.

data(self: preonpy._preonpy.ImageRef)preonpy._preonpy.Buffer

Returns a buffer object containing a two-dimensional array. The first dimension represents the image pixels and the second dimension, which has always the size 4, contains the red, green, blue and alpha value of the respective pixel.

height(self: preonpy._preonpy.ImageRef) → int

Height of the image in number of pixel.

width(self: preonpy._preonpy.ImageRef) → int

Width of the image in number of pixel.

class Buffer

Represents memory that contains a (potentially multi-dimensional) array of a certain data type. Read more about buffer usage.


class PreonpyException

Base class for all Exceptions preonpy raises.

class ObjectInvalid

Raised whenever an invalid object (or scene) was accessed.

class PropertyError

Base type for exceptions related to property access.

class PropertyNotFound

Raised if the property could not be found.

class PropertyReadTypeError(key)

Raised on property read access if the property type is not readable.

class PropertyWriteTypeError(key)

Raised on property write access if the property type is not writeable.

class PropertyReadonlyError(key)

Raised on property write access if the property is read-only.

class PropertyWriteError(key, item_type, value, prop_wrapper)

Raised if a property write failed, because of the given value was invalid.

class KeyframeError

Raised on errors related to keyframe access.

class ConnectionError

Raised on errors related to object connections.

class StatisticNotAvailable(name)

Raised if statistic is not available.

class SceneLoadFailed(scene_path)

Raised if scene load failed.

class SceneSaveFailed(scene_path)

Raised if scene save failed.

class ObjectCreateError(typename)

Raised if object could not be created.

class ObjectDeleteError(objname)

Raised if object could not be deleted.

class NoCamerasConnected

Raised if no cameras are connected.

class InvalidFileFormat

Raised if the given file format was not correct.

class FileNotFoundError

Raised if a file could not be found.

class InvalidLicenseError

Raised if an invalid license identifier was passed.

class DirectoryDoesNotExist(dirname)

Raised if the directory does not exist.

class DirectoryIsNotEmpty(dirname)

Raised if the directory is not empty.

class DataNotAvailable(name=None, frame_range=None)

Raised if the requested data is not available.

class GroupError

Raised if an invalid license identifier was passed.

class SubsamplingError

Raised for subsampling related errors.

class PluginNotAvailable

Raised if a plugin is requested, but is either not available or failed to initialize.


How can I load the last simulated frame?

Loading the last simulation frame is not directly available in PreonPy, but can be achieved easily by using statistic, max , time-to-frame conversion and preonpy.objects.Scene.load_frame(). The following code shows the idea:

import preonpy

def load_last_simulated_frame(scene):
    time_stat = scene.statistic("Time")  # Read the last simulated time
    if time_stat.has_data:
        actual_time = time_stat.max().value_as("s")
        actual_time = 0  # Default to 0, if statistics are not available

    actual_frame = preonpy.to_frame(actual_time, scene, view=False, floor=True)  # convert time to last simulation frame
    scene.load_frame(actual_frame)  # load the frame

s = preonpy.Scene("/path/to/scene.prscene")